Saturday, February 21, 2015

Things that made me smile this week

Hi everyone, I hope you have had a wonderful week.
I want to write and tell you about things that made me smile this week often in my life I can get boggled down by all the stress related things that go on during the week. Like for example, going to work (I am in customer service) and so that can tend to be stressful. Also paying the bills, getting chores done and just daily things that happen like, buying two new tires for my husbands truck. So in response to all the things that stress me out or can be overwhelming during the week I want to take a look at all the positive things that happened during the week.
One thing that stands out to me that made me smile was on Wednesday as some of you may know it was Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is a day for Christians to "Repent, and believe in the Gospel" I was raised as a Catholic and still hold this belief because of the meaning that it holds. I wanted to give something up that was harmful to me but in giving it up it will make me a better person for it. I thought well I could give up chocolate cookies but I don't eat them on a daily basis and maybe that is just to easy so I thought long and hard about something that would be truly beneficial to me and it hit me I want to give up cursing. I don't really curse like a sailor so to speak but I do use curse words in my vocabulary more than I would like to. For example, when something goes wrong, when somebody cuts me off when I am driving it tends to make me curse. So I thought that would be an excellent thing to give up because hopefully I will become a mom one day and I definitely don't want my kids to pick up any of my foul language.
My dog Diesel smiling at me!
Another thing, that makes me smile is when I come home after work the first thing I see is my dog. He always greets me at the door with a huge smile. I stop in that moment to give him a nice scratch on his back or just pet him. It makes me smile because no matter what day I have had he is there to say "hi mom love that your home I missed you" and it makes me smile. I am grateful for a lot of things that make me smile especially when I come home and my husband has started to cook even though when he cooks he uses every dish possible, but no matter it still makes me smile. I hope that you all can look back on each week and remember things that make you smile. Even if it is a text message from your family or friend or maybe you met someone in passing or your kids who did something cute to make you smile. I hope that we can all remember the good from this week and not let the bad overwhelm us.
Hope you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Hey y'all my name is Deanna and welcome to my blog. I am a happily married woman and a proud owner of a very loved dog named Diesel. I am a short girl living in a tall world just trying to navigate my life through organizing, beauty, fitness and enjoying a book or two along the way. The reason I wanted to start a blog was to have a creative outlet for my life. I am a woman of many to-do lists that help me organize my day and routines. So I thought a blog would be a great outlet to share ideas, advice and tips to people like me. I will be blogging about organization ideas and how I will apply that to my lifestyle. Also, I will blog about beauty, fitness and my love of reading. When I mean fitness by no means am I an expert but I thought it would be nice to share my story of how I am going to get healthier and how to fit it in my schedule. As far as beauty goes I will share with you my routines and what my favorites are while using everyday affordable products and maybe even sneaking a few high end products. My hope for this blog is to share my ideas and stories of my journey through this crazy thing called life. I want this blog to be an uplifting, inspiring, honest and sometimes funny place.

Please feel free to comment on what you like and don't like tastefully; I would like this blog to be a safe place for everyone.

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